You are the factory manager of the Flyin' Factory Power Cell Company, you have to keep everything running smoothly. If you stop making money you WILL be fired!!

NOTE: Because of a bug please reload the page to play again. PLEASE READ HOW TO BELOW .

How To:

You need to let 1 of each item, The Core(blue outline), and The 2 parts of the Case(green and red outlines) go through the assembler(white outline) to make a POWER CELL.

Items can only go to the Assembler on Conveyor Belts. Assembler needs to be at the end of the conveyor belt (conveyor arrow must point into Assembler)

When you click on a work station a small menu will pop up on the screen, where you can upgrade and repair them, repairs is needed when an exclamation mark is above the workstation. 

You can see the maintenance cost on the pop up menu as well, the maintenance cost will increase with each upgrade. Your overall maintenance cost will be displayed on the top left of the screen in red.

Click on the build button in the bottom left corner to start Building.

When Building you can tap left control to rotate your stations and right mouse button to cancel.

Good Luck and Have Fun!

Code: Christiaan Mostert

Art and Music: Eben Mostert

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